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Can you envision a society without money?
That might be a difficult concept to grasp and
certain things would have to be in place for it
but can you actually see it as a possibility? If
food and clean water was made available to all
by some means, if new technology was
available to clean up the planet and to cure or
start the mend of any health concerns, how
about new sources of power that can be
distributed and accessed by everyone... what
would you do? What is your passion? How
would we get there?
It starts with knowing that it is possible, feeling it, acknowledging it and where you are at now. Next
would be to bridge the gap between the old paradigm and the new one. There are already people working
on this and have been for some time. One has to think outside the box and not try to fix a broken
system within the confines of that same system.
Look at what people do for money. They lie, cheat, steal, prostitute themselves, commit acts of
violence... all for some paper or coin and more noticeable, a type of power. We have been slaves in a
system of debt, working long hours and several jobs just to get by. It is pretty fair to say that our
current system doesn't work well. Those who are poor aren't all lazy and may have a tremendous
amount to contribute to the world. Those who are rich are not always the hard working type and are
clearly not the most evolved, compassionate or understanding when it comes to consciousness. There is
a huge disparity in equality. There is a saying, something to the effect of, "There are 2 things that are
certain in life, death and taxes". This patterning and mentality has been explicitly coded into our
genetics and DNA so it will take some understanding and willpower to overcome.
This control system is in full play and the programming is very deep. Look on any Facebook feed and
observe the memes. You see Monday morning pictures and then the "Thank God it's Friday" captions.
People work and slave all week then go out and spend their money to party all weekend, let off some
steam... or just sleep and then rinse and repeat. All the while they are laughing and reciting the mantra,
“that is just how things are”. They have accepted it as their way of being. This is definitely insanity. It is
time for humanity to pull itself out of The Matrix.
I heard an interesting quote, "If the whole world is in debt then who are we indebted to?!". Makes sense.
It's a big lie. I won't even get into all of the 'unseen' funding for projects that are not known by the public
and some projects that are literally 'out of this world'!
The concept of money relies on an exchange of energy. Question… how does one put worth on some
services over others? I can see some people working the same hours, just as hard as each other,
sometimes in different ways yet there is a tremendous pay disparity between them. What constitutes
that? Is a 'specialist' in a particular area to receive more or should they also be treated as equal?
What is minimum wage and cost of living? Look at the trends over the last 30 years and it will tell quite
a story. Look at all of the people who have to work 40-50 hours a week just to get by, literally. What if
they are unable to work? Is this really in alignment for a healthy and productive world? This is a slave
In order for things to change there would have to be a few things that fall in place:
1) A shift in consciousness. People waking up to the manipulation and not believing in it anymore. Having
time management set to something more conducive for sanity, joy and doing something you actually
want to pursue and to explore opportunities that were previously unavailable during this time of grand
2) With that shift in consciousness there would be new technologies that are available to us as whole...
many that were and already in play yet locked down in secrecy. This would make many things easier for
the transition and new avenues will be accessible which weren't seen by the public at large.
3) The will to move forward and implement these changes.
People assume that the world is going to continue
along the same path but what if it doesn't?
People hoard resources or perhaps work
and slave away to get that brand
new car, certain "education",
or the latest iPhone, etc...
things that may be obsolete
in upcoming times. There is
nothing wrong with any of that
but look at the mentality and
constant loop pattern surrounding it.
Those that are trying to keep us stuck in this slave system by manipulation, programming and by other
means are only seeing the small picture. They may be playing a long game such as trying to feed off our
energy for as long as they can. Some want us to be under their control or for the humans that are
involved they want to live out their lives, have lots of money and avoid their crimes against humanity.
The big picture is of course to have all parties do the work and evolve out of their states where
everyone's true needs are met. There is an abundance energy for everyone, possibilities can be endless
and service is a natural way of being.
In a fully awakened and functional society everyone
contributes to the whole and they are taken care of in
return. Resources will be made available or avenues
towards it. If you are unable to envision a society
without money then you may have ask yourself some
questions. Are you stuck in a slave mentality or its
opposite? Do you believe that you need a 'job' to
survive? Where is the programming coming from? Do
you doubt that there is already technology not AI
related that can assist us or that if enough people
awaken and shift their consciousness that new ways
may present themselves or literally be there for the
taking? What would it be like to be truly following your passion and have all of your true needs met?
Persue and meditate on the last question especially as it will provide the most benefit for all.
It is time to reclaim our power and sovereignty!
Feb. 2, 2018