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THE WARRIOR "It is better to be a warrior in a garden than to be a gardener in a war"... Absolutely true! Yet, it is also good to have gardening knowledge to feed yourself and to not be in a war at all. The wise and peaceful warrior. The war truly is within, yet we are also constantly bombarded by many outside influences and obstacles, on many levels. One of our internal aspects to combat this is the Warrior. The Warrior knows things like shielding, courage, when and how to evade or when to fight if need be. It knows how to survey the field, get the lay of the land, the careful strategist or the one to act in an instant. Learn to grow and cultivate your Inner Warrior. What does being a warrior mean to you? Is it like being a valiant knight, a jedi, a Marvel character or a powerful priestess? Does it mean having a strong body or holding a certain rank in a martial art? Is it a militaristic view, a keen mind for avenues of attack and defense? Is it about courage or calmness in adversity? Or is it something even deeper, like becoming aware of your body, your surroundings, your thoughts, emotions, actions and facing the parts of you within. Perhaps it is all of these and more! The Warrior comes in many forms. Some may not be as 'glamorous' or 'fullfilling' as others but you will be grateful to have The Warrior on your side. Let us examine some of the traits and aspects of the warrior. The warrior knows how to carry out plans through to execution. The ability to get things done. To set a goal and to attain it. Throughout your life you may have many rough days (some more than others), days where you don't show up, don't want to show up and times when you are just not dialed in so to speak. Establishing your inner warrior will help you have more access and an ability to rise to the occasion on a more consistent basis. The warrior is there to make sure that you never give up. You may get beaten down, slapped around but some part of you will never be broken. You may be battling serious health issues, be surrounded by 'dark' energies, be struggling with painful emotional memories or circumstances, be taxed mentally yet the warrior will help you find the will to carry on. From a martial point of view, they know anatomy and physiology as the ability to hurt someone can be relatively easy but to heal is much more complex and potentially a considerably longer process. The adept warrior knows both. With experience you learn to choose your battles wisely. Know your enemy, Know yourself. The warrior can help you identify true friend/ally from foe. Respect your enemy, their strengths, weaknesses, cunning and your own. Plan your angles of attck and defense. If you don't have time for that then let your innate self and training guide you in the moment. Sometimes you just get thrown into the mix and have to adapt quickly. Whether it be in dreamtime, a job scenario, dealing with energies, emotions or old progams that parts of you are holding on to or fighting against. Know yourself, Know your enemy. There is an aspect called 'The Primal Warrior'... it is pure survival. For some it is almost like something else takes over. It can reflect back the violent energy of others and without hesitation can carve out a path to your saftey from any immediate danger that is in your way. This part of you can tap into incredible feats of strength that may be necessary in dire situations. It is very rare to have this side come out for obvious reasons but with special training its gifts can be consciously accessed. The highest expression of the Warrior does not seek domination over others yet to empower and uplift. However, there are times when one must fight... whatever form that may come in. Yet, when fully empowered and in certain circumstances the Warrior is strong enough to be gentle. Being peaceful does not mean that there is an inability to defend oneself. Look at history's portrayal in movies like the helpless English monks who were wiped aside and slaughtered by the Vikings. Then in contrast you can look to the Shaolin Monks in China with the branches of scholar and fighting monks. They train the body through martial practices and the mind/will through meditation and their martial practices as well. Some focus on specific areas of training like Chi Kung/Qigong. They may choose not to act on violence but they can if the circumstances call for it. Furthermore, they have added access to avenues of defense and evasion. Perhaps not everyone is meant to be a 'Warrior', but there is a warrior that resides within each of you. You can build the 'will' and warrior through many means. you can challenge yourself in certain areas or purposefully put yourself in some type of training under duress. Life itself can assist you with tapping into your inner warrior as it can be quite brutal at times (especially in our current state). You occasionally hear the saying, "They've got heart". The will to endure and overcome. Just remember, you are not a punching bag! Do you remember that phrase and analogy of 'turn the other cheek'. Well... there are options: 1) Keep turning thine own cheek to be continually slapped 2) Hit back (not recommended) 3) Eventually you learn to duck, sidestep, manuever out of the way. You don't have to continually take abuse in the same situation. Being peaceful and non-violent applies to your own temple as well as that of others. We have been duped and programmed to give up or suppress our authentic warrior self. Those that have been pulling the strings of humanity want to keep you in a docile state or it's opposite as in the case of a raging lunatic to keep up the fear program. To clarify, warrior does not mean anger. Anger and aggression are supposedly evil things. Yes, they absolutely can be, but like the knife, it can be used to hurt or assist in helpful ventures. The warrior doesn't have to be an angry one but it can use that energy to establish more solid boundaries (until peace, clarity and a higher vibration can do the job) or light a fire in oneself to create change. If anger does come up then it has to be dealt with in some way. Suppression is not the answer. It must be acknowledged. Ways of deciphering the rage is covered in the article entitled 'Anger'. No matter what form you reside in, whatever the traits that are inherent within it, you have an aspect of the warrior present. Some of us have been tricked into shutting down the warrior while others others abuse it and become bullies who lust for power and dominance. There are also those that follow a twisted code of the warrior which includes a distorted sense of honour and chivalry or seeking vengeance. Steer clear. See the article on 'Ego' but a thought to share is simply that there is always someone better, in some place at some time. The awakened warrior knows that to fully have oneself is to have all that one requires for any given lifetime. If parts are lacking for whatever reason then it will seek healing but also make due and carry out their mission to the best of their ability. Inner strength, fortitude, discipline, steadfastness, the willpower to endure insurmountable odds and still overcome. The warrior's heart has a lot of programming behind it through twisted literature and clever manipulation. It is taught to be cold and unforgiving. It says that Love is a weakness. For the warrior, having compassion is not a flaw as a true heart can see through illusion. They can feel, being able to protect themselves and act in a moment's notice. I will leave it up to you to interpret the energy in each situation. There may come a time though when it has to be "it's nothing personal, it's just business". It is true that at certain times emotion can disrupt and cloud judgment, thereby taking one out of the present moment. Yet to be fully emotionally present in the now and not having parts of you in a regressed state is an incredibly powerful place to be. Bruce Lee has some famous quotes about it. Don't think... feel. Emotional content, not anger. Adding the feeling state can greatly enhance and empower thoughts and actions. Here are some ways that can help you get in touch with this powerful expression of yourself: --> Martial Arts, working out, physical activity of some kind --> Movies & Books --> Cultivating awareness of others, yourself and your surroundings --> Remebering other lifetimes (specifically relating to the warrior) --> Meditation on it and perhaps a represention of your own personal warrior aspect Someone who has a mind of their own, who goes against society's norms and all of the programming would most definitely be considered a warrior in these times. Having the courage to look within for answers and to do the appropriate research. Even though it may not feel like it at times you are indeed a powerful warrior. If you are in a difficult predicament then call upon that inherent inner strength. The will and ability to act, unwavering, is a superpower in itself. It is within you to grow and harness the gift of The Warrior.
Oct. 8, 2018
Architects of Creation
Copyright 2016-2021 Architects of Creation. All Rights Reserved. Site made with Xara Web Designer Designed by Tribe of One Studios
THE WARRIOR "It is better to be a warrior in a garden than to be a gardener in a war"... Absolutely true! Yet, it is also good to have gardening knowledge to feed yourself and to not be in a war at all. The wise and peaceful warrior. The war truly is within, yet we are also constantly bombarded by many outside influences and obstacles, on many levels. One of our internal aspects to combat this is the Warrior. The Warrior knows things like shielding, courage, when and how to evade or when to fight if need be. It knows how to survey the field, get the lay of the land, the careful strategist or the one to act in an instant. Learn to grow and cultivate your Inner Warrior. What does being a warrior mean to you? Is it like being a valiant knight, a jedi, a Marvel character or a powerful priestess? Does it mean having a strong body or holding a certain rank in a martial art? Is it a militaristic view, a keen mind for avenues of attack and defense? Is it about courage or calmness in adversity? Or is it something even deeper, like becoming aware of your body, your surroundings, your thoughts, emotions, actions and facing the parts of you within. Perhaps it is all of these and more! The Warrior comes in many forms. Some may not be as 'glamorous' or 'fullfilling' as others but you will be grateful to have The Warrior on your side. Let us examine some of the traits and aspects of the warrior. The warrior knows how to carry out plans through to execution. The ability to get things done. To set a goal and to attain it. Throughout your life you may have many rough days (some more than others), days where you don't show up, don't want to show up and times when you are just not dialed in so to speak. Establishing your inner warrior will help you have more access and an ability to rise to the occasion on a more consistent basis. The warrior is there to make sure that you never give up. You may get beaten down, slapped around but some part of you will never be broken. You may be battling serious health issues, be surrounded by 'dark' energies, be struggling with painful emotional memories or circumstances, be taxed mentally yet the warrior will help you find the will to carry on. From a martial point of view, they know anatomy and physiology as the ability to hurt someone can be relatively easy but to heal is much more complex and potentially a considerably longer process. The adept warrior knows both. With experience you learn to choose your battles wisely. Know your enemy, Know yourself. The warrior can help you identify true friend/ally from foe. Respect your enemy, their strengths, weaknesses, cunning and your own. Plan your angles of attck and defense. If you don't have time for that then let your innate self and training guide you in the moment. Sometimes you just get thrown into the mix and have to adapt quickly. Whether it be in dreamtime, a job scenario, dealing with energies, emotions or old progams that parts of you are holding on to or fighting against. Know yourself, Know your enemy. There is an aspect called 'The Primal Warrior'... it is pure survival. For some it is almost like something else takes over. It can reflect back the violent energy of others and without hesitation can carve out a path to your saftey from any immediate danger that is in your way. This part of you can tap into incredible feats of strength that may be necessary in dire situations. It is very rare to have this side come out for obvious reasons but with special training its gifts can be consciously accessed. The highest expression of the Warrior does not seek domination over others yet to empower and uplift. However, there are times when one must fight... whatever form that may come in. Yet, when fully empowered and in certain circumstances the Warrior is strong enough to be gentle. Being peaceful does not mean that there is an inability to defend oneself. Look at history's portrayal in movies like the helpless English monks who were wiped aside and slaughtered by the Vikings. Then in contrast you can look to the Shaolin Monks in China with the branches of scholar and fighting monks. They train the body through martial practices and the mind/will through meditation and their martial practices as well. Some focus on specific areas of training like Chi Kung/Qigong. They may choose not to act on violence but they can if the circumstances call for it. Furthermore, they have added access to avenues of defense and evasion. Perhaps not everyone is meant to be a 'Warrior', but there is a warrior that resides within each of you. You can build the 'will' and warrior through many means. you can challenge yourself in certain areas or purposefully put yourself in some type of training under duress. Life itself can assist you with tapping into your inner warrior as it can be quite brutal at times (especially in our current state). You occasionally hear the saying, "They've got heart". The will to endure and overcome. Just remember, you are not a punching bag! Do you remember that phrase and analogy of 'turn the other cheek'. Well... there are options: 1) Keep turning thine own cheek to be continually slapped 2) Hit back (not recommended) 3) Eventually you learn to duck, sidestep, manuever out of the way. You don't have to continually take abuse in the same situation. Being peaceful and non-violent applies to your own temple as well as that of others. We have been duped and programmed to give up or suppress our authentic warrior self. Those that have been pulling the strings of humanity want to keep you in a docile state or it's opposite as in the case of a raging lunatic to keep up the fear program. To clarify, warrior does not mean anger. Anger and aggression are supposedly evil things. Yes, they absolutely can be, but like the knife, it can be used to hurt or assist in helpful ventures. The warrior doesn't have to be an angry one but it can use that energy to establish more solid boundaries (until peace, clarity and a higher vibration can do the job) or light a fire in oneself to create change. If anger does come up then it has to be dealt with in some way. Suppression is not the answer. It must be acknowledged. Ways of deciphering the rage is covered in the article entitled 'Anger'. No matter what form you reside in, whatever the traits that are inherent within it, you have an aspect of the warrior present. Some of us have been tricked into shutting down the warrior while others others abuse it and become bullies who lust for power and dominance. There are also those that follow a twisted code of the warrior which includes a distorted sense of honour and chivalry or seeking vengeance. Steer clear. See the article on 'Ego' but a thought to share is simply that there is always someone better, in some place at some time. The awakened warrior knows that to fully have oneself is to have all that one requires for any given lifetime. If parts are lacking for whatever reason then it will seek healing but also make due and carry out their mission to the best of their ability. Inner strength, fortitude, discipline, steadfastness, the willpower to endure insurmountable odds and still overcome. The warrior's heart has a lot of programming behind it through twisted literature and clever manipulation. It is taught to be cold and unforgiving. It says that Love is a weakness. For the warrior, having compassion is not a flaw as a true heart can see through illusion. They can feel, being able to protect themselves and act in a moment's notice. I will leave it up to you to interpret the energy in each situation. There may come a time though when it has to be "it's nothing personal, it's just business". It is true that at certain times emotion can disrupt and cloud judgment, thereby taking one out of the present moment. Yet to be fully emotionally present in the now and not having parts of you in a regressed state is an incredibly powerful place to be. Bruce Lee has some famous quotes about it. Don't think... feel. Emotional content, not anger. Adding the feeling state can greatly enhance and empower thoughts and actions. Here are some ways that can help you get in touch with this powerful expression of yourself: --> Martial Arts, working out, physical activity of some kind --> Movies & Books --> Cultivating awareness of others, yourself and your surroundings --> Remebering other lifetimes (specifically relating to the warrior) --> Meditation on it and perhaps a represention of your own personal warrior aspect Someone who has a mind of their own, who goes against society's norms and all of the programming would most definitely be considered a warrior in these times. Having the courage to look within for answers and to do the appropriate research. Even though it may not feel like it at times you are indeed a powerful warrior. If you are in a difficult predicament then call upon that inherent inner strength. The will and ability to act, unwavering, is a superpower in itself. It is within you to grow and harness the gift of The Warrior.
Oct.8, 2018
Architects of Creation

Architects of Creation The Warrior