Copyright 2016-2022 Architects of Creation. All Rights Reserved.
Site made with Xara Web Designer
Let's start off with some fundamental questions and then we can traverse into some deeper waters. Do you believe that we are all alone in the universe? Do you believe that we have to stay locked into a state of suffering and sickness, and that there is no cure for our health issues as we rapidly age and die? Do you believe that our earthly environment is beyond repair and cannot be cleaned up? Do you believe that our world and reality is permeated with deficiency? Do you believe that we have to work long hours as slaves, many times in professions we do not enjoy, to pay off 'debt'... or are there better alternatives? This is probably the most important topic to bring into the spotlight that will benefit all of humanity, the planet and even greater cosmic implications... it is called Full Disclosure. That's a bold statement! Let's explore it. What is disclosure? It is the act of making 'secret', hidden or suppressed information known. What is it that has been going on behind the scenes that most of humanity doesn't know about? Do we already have advanced spacefaring vehicles? Have we been in direct communication with ET's for a while? Can we truly heal our bodies and prolong life? Is free energy really possible? People have been heavily programmed, infact, so programmed about their beliefs that they will fight to the death for them! Belief is a pretty powerful phenomenon. In a sense we are doing a similar thing in that we believe this information should be out there for the benefit of all, possibly risking our well being for this to occur. Yet, the masses are fickle, easily manipulated, preoccupied and made to forget who they really are, can be and will be. Distractions, all around... most mainstream TV shows, the newest phones or gadgets, our present living conditions, the economical system, certain local or world events, all distracting you from what is really going on. False or limited information is put out through mainstream media and certain debunkers are used to discredit all kinds of phenomena. It is good question things but also remember that just because something can be somewhat mimicked or 'rationally' explained, perhaps even disregarded... that doesn't always make it fake or any less real. It is time for people to wake up, to start seeing through the deception, to come to terms with what is really going on, what is actually available to us right now and to look within for some deeper truths. I could probably start off by mentioning one man's name and leave it there as evidence enough as to the amount of covert ops and suppression of valuable technologies that could have greatly uplifted humanity. Nikola Tesla. There is already an abundance of information out in the open now that is accessible to all like TV shows, documentaries, files, webpages, etc. I would encourage you to do at least some research on Nikola Tesla as a glimpse into the man and what has transpired. He was an inventor/engineer who was born in 1856 and is known for AC (alternating current) electricity and the Tesla coil but there are lesser known enterprises such as The Philadelphia Experiment, Tesla's Death Ray and his investigation into free energy. What would our world look like now if Nikola Tesla's suppressed and confiscated patents had been carried forth and allowed to flourish at the time of their conception? We would be living in a very different reality right now. An important statement that everyone needs to know and understand is that anything and everything that has ever been thought of has already been done on some level, at some point in time/space. Let that saturate through your being and awaken the endless possibilities that are awaiting us and some that are much closer than we realize. Despite being heavily suppressed, look at how far we have advanced technologically in all areas this last century. Yet, for some reason, how is it that we are still relying on the same type of propulsion systems on rockets for space travel... since the 1960's! Computers back then were this size of giant rooms and now our hand held devices have more memory than they did... that is pretty amazing. It appears to be a well known and documented fact that German scientists were experimenting with anti-gravity and and other means of propulsion back in the 1940's. Somehow, we are supposed to believe that today's mainstream rockets are cutting edge science? People need to wake up. This also brings up an interesting question. Where did they get the knowledge to build such things? Ancient texts? Human ingenuity? ET's? Dreams and telepathic communication? Captured or crashed UFO's that have been reverse engineered? Let us examine Extra-terrestrials and the possibility of life beyond earth. From just a plain numerical point of view, given that there are trillions of ‘3rd dimensional’ galaxies in our 'known' universe, the probability if not inevitablity of other lifeforms being out there would be quite high. Ancient Aliens is a great show to watch that examines and demonstrates archeological evidence which suggests alien visitation throughout our history. It will raise a number of questions for you to ponder about the possibility that humanity has infact been visited and shaped by extra-terrestrials. Time and space in a linear scope is so vast that one could easily imagine that advanced civilizations could have thrived, come and been gone for over a billion years. Even in viewing mainstream knowledge of our own history, it confirms that we have built cities around and on top of more ancient sites. What about these other races of beings and great civilizations? What types of things are waiting for us to be discovered on our earth and beyond? Perhaps even ancient places in the earth's crust or under the polar ice caps? What has already been discovered that is hidden from the public, on purpose? To add to this, if the archeology provides factual evidence of ET visitation and actual ET's, having found their bodily remains, or better yet, live ones who make themselves available…. well, then what? There will be a natural progression questions to ask like, "Where are they from?", "How did they get here?" or “Were they already here, even before humanity as we know it?”. Do you really believe that we don't have advanced interplanetary if not instellar travel already going on…. let alone very evolved civilizations having interdimensional transit? There are a number of insiders who have already come forth to share information about the Secret Space Program (SSP) and unacknowledged projects. See the Links page for more incredible insight. How many of you have heard this before? "I won't believe it until aliens come down and land on my lawn"... Do you really think they are going to come out and land just for you? Unfortunately, they tend to view humanity as a whole, not on an individual basis except where agreements and missions are to be carried out. Even though there are many individuals who are ready for contact with a variety of different beings, ready for higher learning and exploration in ‘up-to-date’ technologies and fields, ready to carry out more advanced occupations and even ready for off-world adventures (when their missions here are complete), many things just won't happen until humanity raises it's consciousness more as a whole cohesive unit. I have observed several TV shows and documentaries projecting what the potential first landings and 'first manned missions' on Mars would be like in 2030 (or earlier) for colonization or searching for microrganisms on other planets as proof of life. Look at all of the imaging from Mars (that which we have been allowed to see). They show signs of ancient structures, lakes, rivers and even unnatural cataclysms. Yes, many photos have been 'doctored' to cover things up. What are they hiding? What if we or other advanced civilizations have already colonized Mars and other planets/moons in this solar system? What if our governments have been in contact with intelligent life from afar for decades and in reality much longer? What if our universe is teeming with life and it is being hidden from us to keep us under control and to think we are alone? Answers will come eventually... hopefully sooner rather than later. A side note is that not all lifeforms are physical in nature. Humanity has been getting slow disclosure through movies, video games, dreams and books. New concepts and areas of thought open people's minds to new possibilities. Some straight up disclosure has been masked in film and TV, basically telling you and showing exactly what is going on but it is disguised as fictional events. There has been a lot of false and twisted progamming to go along with that as well. 'Little green men' have been added to pop culture and there are even emojis with little green/grey alien faces. It is mocked and made to downplay and chastise anyone who may have had real encounters. They are not the only race out there. People may be astounded to find out that some 'alien' races look just like us or may be horrified at the sight of other beings which clearly differ from what we are used to perceiving. There are many depictions of unique looking beings on walls, objects and buildings throughout the world that stem from many different timeframes. Look into those as some factual evidence. If it was important enough to make sculptures of, to paint or to etch onto walls or objects then our ancestors must have witnessed something that had a profound effect on them. They may not have fully understood what they were viewing and used their own interpretation of it but the events were purposefully immortalized in stone or by other means for a reason. Look into the creation stories of the many tribes and civilizations on this planet. Their creation myths present an interesting illustration of events. These 'stories' and their rituals are fascinating. Why go through so much trouble to pass down these teachings and follow them so devoutly if they are all make believe? Some are very literal, like in Hinduism. The sacred Indian texts accurately describe ancient flying machines and weapons of mass destruction, the nature of the soul and reincarnation. There is actual scientific evidence which confirms nuclear catastrophies in our ancient past. Where did our lowly 'cavemen' get nuclear weaponry? Others appear to be more symbolic, but are they? Volumes written about 'The Gods', giants or 'Angels' descending from the heavens. Angels?... or extra-terrestrials? I will let you decide through your own research and intuition. Religion... this is going to be a tough one for some people. Along with these creation stories you can find some commonalities among all religions and tribes. Some extremely faithful people may have their foundation and belief systems crumble before them. There are many gaps, holes, misunderstood texts and some heavy corruption in some of the information being presented. Much has been taken out, omitted or flat out destroyed to erase parts of our history. All references to reincarnination were taken out of the bible among other things. Full Disclosure will give a much more expanded view and a true accounting of our origins and history. What if our physical forms were bioengineered and genetically modified by aliens using several different splices of DNA? How would people feel about that? What if the 'angels' are in fact extra-terrestrials and the fallen angels had come about through warring factions within these 'god-like' beings? What if all of the myths of giants are real? There are many locked away archaeological findings with the remains of large beings (8 feet tall and well beyond). Beings descending from the heavens with fire and smoke... interstellar spacecraft. Ancient structures constructed with a precision that we are still unable emulate with today's 'modern' equipment. Mythical powers and devices may be misunderstood technologies but then again, some races naturally have what we would deem to be powerful abilities. The nature of our souls and beyond is a different story altogether. We can keep going but the fact is that our history will soon be rewritten. Religion has been used for control, to keep you on your knees and to give your power away to beings that are not ‘gods’. Do you believe in death as you know it? What if you could consciously exit the body and move on to another world, realm or dimension. Better yet, what if you can take your body/form with you? Perhaps these are already real circumstances, maybe it is even commonplace with certain people or beings. There are many documented cases of Indian Yogis and Tibetan monks achieving these feats. Have you allowed yourself to explore or remember the possibility of this? What about regeneration and prolonging our life well beyond the society accepted norm. Age regression. Real age regression... not some sort of infomercial type of thing but the regeneration of our body, cells, limbs and organs, activating our DNA and awakening the full capacity of our brain. Our bodies and DNA are meant to support living hundred of years in top tier health. People are going to be extremely upset and angry when the find out that all of the suffering we have had to endure physically in recent times was not necessary. All of their loved ones who died of cancer or other diseases did not have to die because the cures to all of these ailments have already been in play and perfected for decades. There are technologies that utilize frequency and vibration for all of these things and we could even do it on our own if we were not continually interfered with energetically or being poisoned by the toxins in our environment, GMO's, EMF's and big pharma. Everything has a specific vibration, frequency and molecular structure which means that it can be emulated, enhanced or neutralized. Food, clothes, viruses, vehicles, organs, entire beings... all can be manufactured and be made to function at optimal levels. Let's talk about taxes... really? What are we truly paying taxes for? When so much gets funneled into secret programs? How about letting the people benefit from all of these special programs. While on the subject of money, see the article ‘A Society Without Money’. Do you really need money or a job for this or that? No. You need the actual resources. Take out the middle man (money). It is the way the system was set up. There are far more efficient and effective systems out there for an exchange of energy (like bartering) or the fact that service is a natural way of being. Everyone consciously contributes to the whole in an awakened functional society and is taken care of in return. Do you need money to pay your hydro bill... when free energy can already be made available to all rather quickly? Are you paying obscene amounts for medications... when the technologies to heal you are already there? There is a big elaborate game going on within society, the media and those who are pulling the strings. A giant hoax... a scam. When you hear or see things like 'breaking new' medical treatments for cancer... meanwhile the cure for all cancers has been around for some time and some of our diseases have even been purposely manufactured... by us! One of my favourites is ‘leading scientists’ say... there is a possiblility of life out there or any number of ridiculous statements. Programming by mainstream media and other outlets is rampant and if you are a ‘Sensitive Person’ you will know and won't want to be around people that are under that spell. It can be a sick or repulsive feeling and if you are a little more healed then compassion will come to the forefront although keeping your distance is still wise choice for the time being, for many of us. Look at the newest phones or computers coming out, meanwhile they have technologies that are well beyond the present gadgets that are being paraded to the masses. Only the wealthy can afford the really good stuff which is still decades behind what we truly have available. In the interim they will continue to string you along and disseminate these toys in super small increments over decades to keep you distracted and spending money on things that are once again very outdated compared to what is actually available. Things like the newest iPhone or very marginal speed increases in new CPU's and GPU's for computers. Awesome! Keep you in debt, keep you paying those hydro bills, keep you on those meds, keep you distracted with certain staged global events, drama with public figures, world leaders or fake news. It is sad, manipulative, corrupt and as far as the medical technology available... it is downright murderous and full on genocide. Think about that and let it motivate you to internally and externally wake up and create change. Disclosure is a monumental step in the process along with your own inner work. This knowledge and material needs to be out in the public eye with credible people and testimonies backing it up. Dr. Steven Greer has an excellent platform for inventors to bring about safe disclosure for their new and advanced technologies to the world. They must demonstrate that their gadgets work and the results are reproducible as it will be live streamed for the masses to see, reaching millions of people at once. See the Links page for Dr. Greer. It is very unfortunate the so many individuals have been bought out, severely threatened or far worse for coming forward with this much needed information. This game of control... the lies and heavy programming in mainstream society is mocking and insulting your intelligence. Observe our educational systems. Have you not noticed that we have a leap year every 4 years? How can our mathematical system be so wrong when creation itself is so precise? Psychologists... who don't understand the deeper aspects of the mind, body, emotions and soul. Medical 'professionals' who don't really know how the body works and the relationship with it's energetic counterparts. They do have some bookwork knowledge on pharmacology, of course. Religion... after much upheaval will eventually turn to natural law. Science... so much will be discarded to usher in more advanced technology based on new, safe and harmonious systems. Personal growth... with interfernce gone you will finally be able start to piercing the veils, to see and understand more of who you really are, your true inner workings and be open to so many new possibilities. There will even be off-world opportunities through many avenues. People, souls and beings that have been trapped for eons of time will have the chance to repair and move back into the higher dimensions. A miraculous event indeed! What will happen to the scientists who spent years on learning harmful technology that is completely outdated... the medical community who have been stuck in archaic and barbaric avenues to 'wellness'... or many of the world's religions and histories which are clearly inaccurate and fraudulent in so many ways? There will be a breaking down of the ego and society but something more glorious and conducive to a whole new way of being will have a chance to flourish. The famous Yoda quote comes mind, "You must unlearn what you have learned". Once people realize what is truly possible, moving past just the physical and exploring more of the consciousness based reality, then we can truly begin but the veil must be dissolved... whether all at once or in layers and levels. There are many people out there that are starving for this kind of information, some that will completely dismiss it (until demonstrated of course... and even then), some that will do there best to discredit it and some that can't even handle it due to their programming and beliefs. I have seen what information can do to people, whatever it may be about, whether it is pertaining to some aspect of themselves or situations that go against their deeply ingrained programming or belief systems... it doesn't go well and can be quite catastrophic depending on how they have identified themselves in this world. They can become demoralized, freak out, feel depressed, give up, become enraged... the whole gamut of emotions and beyond with added inappropriate and erratic actions. When you truly understand that everything is possible and that everything for the most part has already been done before on some level then certain information is much easier to accept. As always, be discerning. If your are honest with yourself and have some ability to feel then you will know when it comes to certain things. The extensive amount of experimentation in all sorts of areas including spacecraft and propulsion, portal technology, age regression, psychic enhancement, super soldiers, thought controlled technology, advanced weaponry, viruses, cloning and genetic tampering, much more and beyond has been going on for some time behind the scenes in unacknowledged projects. Humans have been used like guinea pigs, been used in slave trades and as a slave race. This is unacceptable! Governments allowing experimentation on people... I didn't agree to this. Damage to the planet... weather manipulation and chemtrails. Start looking up at the sky with new eyes and be honest with yourself. Look at the cloud formations these days... far from natural. Even abductions (real or staged psyops)... mind control technologies, implants, HAARP, targeting certain people to supress their abilities (or worse) whether it be done by onworld or offworld means and performed by many different factions of people/beings. See the blog on ‘Targeted People’. When are they going to come clean about Artificial Intelligence (AI), nanites, Humanity's origins, different races of beings, underground bases, the moon, interstellar travel and new propulsion systems, UFO's (once again, look up... a large portion of UFO's these days are actually ours!), portal tecnologies (have you seen the movie or TV series Stargate - did you ever wonder where these ideas came from?), advanced medical technologies, cloning, the fact that we are all being monitored on some level... if you think that you have true privacy... you would be wrong. Everything is monitored on some level. Privacy is an illusion given that we are all being observed and studied by our own 'higher aspects', also by those who tagged us on our journey to incarnating here and any earthly factions keeping tabs. Even your computer searches or link to this article is tracked. Also, highly evolved beings can read you and your history like an open book or movie. This may be a lot to process for some people. It is not meant to bring about fear but instead facts, and the reminder that you can deal with this, and soon will not tolerate certain conditions any longer as we collectively unite and raise our consciousness enough to warrant true sovereignty. There have been talks and rumors for years that there was going to be a staged event, a mock alien invasion, which can easily been done with the technology that we already have at our disposal. Look at all of the movies that already depict this scenario. Sure, it might bring the world together on some level and give the fake disclosure that we are not alone but this is another layer of control. It promotes the militaristic point of view and there are many plans in already in place to use this to enslave us further. Be aware of some of the deception that is going on and maneuvering of the consciousness of humanity. Disclosure needs to be done in a transformative way. One that does not promote fear or feigning unity among humanity but having us against the 'evil' aliens. Yes, there are some serious forces at work on all sides but there are much better alternatives. Diplomacy with other off-world species is the preferred way to go as many would like to see us freed from our shackles and overcome our barbaric ways. There is most definitely a time to stand up for ourselves and defense measures can be undertaken but at the same time there are also civilizations that could effortlessly disintigrate our very toleranet planet (or just the inhabitants on it) in the blink of an eye... but they won't. There is so much manipulation going on with us, the planet and beyond by all manner of beings, including ourselves. Layers of things that most can't feel or perceive, things on energetic levels, technologies and manufactured biomechanical or organic forms. There are warring factions, races and beings all with different agendas and factions within factions making side deals of all kinds. Then there are beings pulling the strings of other beings, enslavement... it's a mess. There are of course an abundance of beings that want to help us and are assisting in many unseen ways but with so many hands in the pie it can be difficult to navigate through the turmoil. They would also like to see us be the ones who manifest ourselves out of these circumstances with a deep knowing of how gifted we truly are. Partial disclosure has been discussed by some as the most viable option for a large portion of humanity at this moment. Information being given out a bit at a time with certain things being strategically hidden. That way it can be integrated into the whole of humanity with less turmoil. That being said, there are many people who are more than ready to hear and accept what comes forth through full disclosure. A considerable amount of people don't have time for partial disclosure. They are in an ill state of health for various reasons which are not all a fault of their own. Our planetary environment also doesn’t have time as it is seriously faltering. Full disclosure in the now is what is truly needed. Some people in less than ideal circumstances can be brought back to health and help this world out on a large scale but they are purposely being blocked and not given the opportunity. In fact, there are many who are ready to do work on facilitating the change, bridging the gap and to serve humanity as well as their own evolution in new ways. It is also true that many won't even really care. The sad thing is that you can straight up tell people the truth about what is going on, show evidence or even show them a real UFO or alien lifeform and they just won't believe it. They are so programmed and in denial. As stated before, discernment is good, do research and find out the truth and form your own conclusions. Soon enough all of the material above will no longer be able to be denied. We have the power to alter many of the differing scenarios and possible timelines as we proceed. People will have to re-evaluate their beliefs and place in the world and be open to change for the betterment of all. Truth be told, Full Disclosure is already happening. There are enough people who have come forward, slipped through the cracks if you will, to bring out information on subjects of all kinds including advanced technologies that are already in use by humans in unacknowledged programs. Many thanks to those individuals who have already come forth to start making this a living breathing reality. There are some great websites, YouTube channels, documentaries and privately funded shows with authentically awakened people, insiders, researchers, engineers, scientists, etc. who are doing some incredible work in their fields and getting important information out there. Like mentioned above, movies are a great way of opening people's minds to new concepts, possibilities and events that are already happening. Have you ever seen Wolverine from the X-Men? Do you wonder if they have ever experimented with certain metal alloys or tissue regeneration in a similar fashion before? Ever seen Limitless? Do you believe they have ever tried using certain formulae administered in pill form to open and activate more areas of the brain? Ever seen Star Wars? We may have a 'Death Star' closer than you know and Jedi/Sith abilities might actually be real. How about The Matrix? There is actual evidence that we are living in a holographic simulation. The Terminator? Sentient computer, AI, cyborgs… sound familiar? Star Trek, etc, we could go on for a while. Anything showing alternate realities, government cover-ups… the list goes on. The reading of this article itself is a catalyst. The seeds have been planted. It is only a matter of when. They can delay it but at this point it cannot be stopped, especially with our momentum and the strength of numbers awakening. The rest is up to you. Add your intention to it, become aware of what is really going on, do some reasearch and start to awaken to your full potential. It is clear by demonstration alone from observing those in 'power' that it will be the people that have to bring about disclosure. The leaders will then have no choice but to follow suit or be removed from their positions and replaced by more evolved and incorruptible beings. Even if all the information comes out, people will still have to process it and do the inner work to catch up. Disclosure might be very easy for some, especially those that are more awakened, aware and have been doing the work. The harder part may be dealing with all of those people that have been deeply programmed and the shock they may encounter from their eyes opening for the first time. As indicated before, there are some very talented, gifted and evolved individuals who can accomplish great deeds here. They can contribute immensely but they just don't have the platform or support to do it. In certain areas that may be for the best until the proper type of leadership comes into power who governs those affairs. A strictly militaristic point of view is a very narrow one. There are also many awakened people who have been heavily tampered with who are in great need of healing and cannot get the proper assistance here. This is all very sad considering all of the technologies are already available to bring these wonderful beings back to a point where they can fullfill their mission which includes the rebuilding themselves, this society and well beyond. They will keep working towards these goals regardless. Humanity has been held down, beaten down, suppressed and made to suffer for far too long. We can do this, we are much more powerful than many of us realize and we can create the necessary change. It will take fortitude, willpower, knowledge, awareness, inner peace, self-love and compassion but doors and windows are opening. There may even be some anger... and rightfully so! Good... Use it! Use it to light that inner fire to facilitate change for the better. Be that spark who can light the way for others and assist in igniting their divine flames so that they can do the same. Full Disclosure will happen and you are a part of it!
Aug. 18, 2018
Architects of Creation
Copyright 2016-2021 Architects of Creation. All Rights Reserved. Site made with Xara Web Designer Designed by Tribe of One Studios
Let's start off with some fundamental questions and then we can traverse into some deeper waters. Do you believe that we are all alone in the universe? Do you believe that we have to stay locked into a state of suffering and sickness, and that there is no cure for our health issues as we rapidly age and die? Do you believe that our earthly environment is beyond repair and cannot be cleaned up? Do you believe that our world and reality is permeated with deficiency? Do you believe that we have to work long hours as slaves, many times in professions we do not enjoy, to pay off 'debt'... or are there better alternatives? This is probably the most important topic to bring into the spotlight that will benefit all of humanity, the planet and even greater cosmic implications... it is called Full Disclosure. That's a bold statement! Let's explore it. What is disclosure? It is the act of making 'secret', hidden or suppressed information known. What is it that has been going on behind the scenes that most of humanity doesn't know about? Do we already have advanced spacefaring vehicles? Have we been in direct communication with ET's for a while? Can we truly heal our bodies and prolong life? Is free energy really possible? People have been heavily programmed, infact, so programmed about their beliefs that they will fight to the death for them! Belief is a pretty powerful phenomenon. In a sense we are doing a similar thing in that we believe this information should be out there for the benefit of all, possibly risking our well being for this to occur. Yet, the masses are fickle, easily manipulated, preoccupied and made to forget who they really are, can be and will be. Distractions, all around... most mainstream TV shows, the newest phones or gadgets, our present living conditions, the economical system, certain local or world events, all distracting you from what is really going on. False or limited information is put out through mainstream media and certain debunkers are used to discredit all kinds of phenomena. It is good question things but also remember that just because something can be somewhat mimicked or 'rationally' explained, perhaps even disregarded... that doesn't always make it fake or any less real. It is time for people to wake up, to start seeing through the deception, to come to terms with what is really going on, what is actually available to us right now and to look within for some deeper truths. I could probably start off by mentioning one man's name and leave it there as evidence enough as to the amount of covert ops and suppression of valuable technologies that could have greatly uplifted humanity. Nikola Tesla. There is already an abundance of information out in the open now that is accessible to all like TV shows, documentaries, files, webpages, etc. I would encourage you to do at least some research on Nikola Tesla as a glimpse into the man and what has transpired. He was an inventor/engineer who was born in 1856 and is known for AC (alternating current) electricity and the Tesla coil but there are lesser known enterprises such as The Philadelphia Experiment, Tesla's Death Ray and his investigation into free energy. What would our world look like now if Nikola Tesla's suppressed and confiscated patents had been carried forth and allowed to flourish at the time of their conception? We would be living in a very different reality right now. An important statement that everyone needs to know and understand is that anything and everything that has ever been thought of has already been done on some level, at some point in time/space. Let that saturate through your being and awaken the endless possibilities that are awaiting us and some that are much closer than we realize. Despite being heavily suppressed, look at how far we have advanced technologically in all areas this last century. Yet, for some reason, how is it that we are still relying on the same type of propulsion systems on rockets for space travel... since the 1960's! Computers back then were this size of giant rooms and now our hand held devices have more memory than they did... that is pretty amazing. It appears to be a well known and documented fact that German scientists were experimenting with anti-gravity and and other means of propulsion back in the 1940's. Somehow, we are supposed to believe that today's mainstream rockets are cutting edge science? People need to wake up. This also brings up an interesting question. Where did they get the knowledge to build such things? Ancient texts? Human ingenuity? ET's? Dreams and telepathic communication? Captured or crashed UFO's that have been reverse engineered? Let us examine Extra-terrestrials and the possibility of life beyond earth. From just a plain numerical point of view, given that there are trillions of ‘3rd dimensional’ galaxies in our 'known' universe, the probability if not inevitablity of other lifeforms being out there would be quite high. Ancient Aliens is a great show to watch that examines and demonstrates archeological evidence which suggests alien visitation throughout our history. It will raise a number of questions for you to ponder about the possibility that humanity has infact been visited and shaped by extra-terrestrials. Time and space in a linear scope is so vast that one could easily imagine that advanced civilizations could have thrived, come and been gone for over a billion years. Even in viewing mainstream knowledge of our own history, it confirms that we have built cities around and on top of more ancient sites. What about these other races of beings and great civilizations? What types of things are waiting for us to be discovered on our earth and beyond? Perhaps even ancient places in the earth's crust or under the polar ice caps? What has already been discovered that is hidden from the public, on purpose? To add to this, if the archeology provides factual evidence of ET visitation and actual ET's, having found their bodily remains, or better yet, live ones who make themselves available…. well, then what? There will be a natural progression questions to ask like, "Where are they from?", "How did they get here?" or “Were they already here, even before humanity as we know it?”. Do you really believe that we don't have advanced interplanetary if not instellar travel already going on…. let alone very evolved civilizations having interdimensional transit? There are a number of insiders who have already come forth to share information about the secret space program (SSP) and unacknowledged projects. See the Links page for more incredible insight. How many of you have heard this before? "I won't believe it until aliens come down and land on my lawn"... Do you really think they are going to come out and land just for you? Unfortunately, they tend to view humanity as a whole, not on an individual basis except where agreements and missions are to be carried out. Even though there are many individuals who are ready for contact with a variety of different beings, ready for higher learning and exploration in ‘up-to-date’ technologies and fields, ready to carry out more advanced occupations and even ready for off-world adventures (when their missions here are complete), many things just won't happen until humanity raises it's consciousness more as a whole cohesive unit. I have observed several TV shows and documentaries projecting what the potential first landings and 'first manned missions' on Mars would be like in 2030 (or earlier) for colonization or searching for microrganisms on other planets as proof of life. Look at all of the imaging from Mars (that which we have been allowed to see). They show signs of ancient structures, lakes, rivers and even unnatural cataclysms. Yes, many photos have been 'doctored' to cover things up. What are they hiding? What if we or other advanced civilizations have already colonized Mars and other planets/moons in this solar system? What if our governments have been in contact with intelligent life from afar for decades and in reality much longer? What if our universe is teeming with life and it is being hidden from us to keep us under control and to think we are alone? Answers will come eventually... hopefully sooner rather than later. A side note is that not all lifeforms are physical in nature. Humanity has been getting slow disclosure through movies, video games, dreams and books. New concepts and areas of thought open people's minds to new possibilities. Some straight up disclosure has been masked in film and TV, basically telling you and showing exactly what is going on but it is disguised as fictional events. There has been a lot of false and twisted progamming to go along with that as well. 'Little green men' have been added to pop culture and there are even emojis with little green/grey alien faces. It is mocked and made to downplay and chastise anyone who may have had real encounters. They are not the only race out there. People may be astounded to find out that some 'alien' races look just like us or may be horrified at the sight of other beings which clearly differ from what we are used to perceiving. There are many depictions of unique looking beings on walls, objects and buildings throughout the world that stem from many different timeframes. Look into those as some factual evidence. If it was important enough to make sculptures of, to paint or to etch onto walls or objects then our ancestors must have witnessed something that had a profound effect on them. They may not have fully understood what they were viewing and used their own interpretation of it but the events were purposefully immortalized in stone or by other means for a reason. Look into the creation stories of the many tribes and civilizations on this planet. Their creation myths present an interesting illustration of events. These 'stories' and their rituals are fascinating. Why go through so much trouble to pass down these teachings and follow them so devoutly if they are all make believe? Some are very literal, like in Hinduism. The sacred Indian texts accurately describe ancient flying machines and weapons of mass destruction, the nature of the soul and reincarnation. There is actual scientific evidence which confirms nuclear catastrophies in our ancient past. Where did our lowly 'cavemen' get nuclear weaponry? Others appear to be more symbolic, but are they? Volumes written about 'The Gods', giants or 'Angels' descending from the heavens. Angels?... or extra-terrestrials? I will let you decide through your own research and intuition. Religion... this is going to be a tough one for some people. Along with these creation stories you can find some commonalities among all religions and tribes. Some extremely faithful people may have their foundation and belief systems crumble before them. There are many gaps, holes, misunderstood texts and some heavy corruption in some of the information being presented. Much has been taken out, omitted or flat out destroyed to erase parts of our history. All references to reincarnination were taken out of the bible among other things. Full Disclosure will give a much more expanded view and a true accounting of our origins and history. What if our physical forms were bioengineered and genetically modified by aliens using several different splices of DNA? How would people feel about that? What if the 'angels' are in fact extra-terrestrials and the fallen angels had come about through warring factions within these 'god-like' beings? What if all of the myths of giants are real? There are many locked away archaeological findings with the remains of large beings (8 feet tall and well beyond). Beings descending from the heavens with fire and smoke... interstellar spacecraft. Ancient structures constructed with a precision that we are still unable emulate with today's 'modern' equipment. Mythical powers and devices may be misunderstood technologies but then again, some races naturally have what we would deem to be powerful abilities. The nature of our souls and beyond is a different story altogether. We can keep going but the fact is that our history will soon be rewritten. Religion has been used for control, to keep you on your knees and to give your power away to beings that are not ‘gods’. Do you believe in death as you know it? What if you could consciously exit the body and move on to another world, realm or dimension. Better yet, what if you can take your body/form with you? Perhaps these are already real circumstances, maybe it is even commonplace with certain people or beings. There are many documented cases of Indian Yogis and Tibetan monks achieving these feats. Have you allowed yourself to explore or remember the possibility of this? What about regeneration and prolonging our life well beyond the society accepted norm. Age regression. Real age regression... not some sort of infomercial type of thing but the regeneration of our body, cells, limbs and organs, activating our DNA and awakening the full capacity of our brain. Our bodies and DNA are meant to support living hundred of years in top tier health. People are going to be extremely upset and angry when the find out that all of the suffering we have had to endure physically in recent times was not necessary. All of their loved ones who died of cancer or other diseases did not have to die because the cures to all of these ailments have already been in play and perfected for decades. There are technologies that utilize frequency and vibration for all of these things and we could even do it on our own if we were not continually interfered with energetically or being poisoned by the toxins in our environment, GMO's, EMF's and big pharma. Everything has a specific vibration, frequency and molecular structure which means that it can be emulated, enhanced or neutralized. Food, clothes, viruses, vehicles, organs, entire beings... all can be manufactured and be made to function at optimal levels. Let's talk about taxes... really? What are we truly paying taxes for? When so much gets funneled into secret programs? How about letting the people benefit from all of these special programs. While on the subject of money, see the article ‘A Society Without Money’. Do you really need money or a job for this or that? No. You need the actual resources. Take out the middle man (money). It is the way the system was set up. There are far more efficient and effective systems out there for an exchange of energy (like bartering) or the fact that service is a natural way of being. Everyone consciously contributes to the whole in an awakened functional society and is taken care of in return. Do you need money to pay your hydro bill... when free energy can already be made available to all rather quickly? Are you paying obscene amounts for medications... when the technologies to heal you are already there? There is a big elaborate game going on within society, the media and those who are pulling the strings. A giant hoax... a scam. When you hear or see things like 'breaking new' medical treatments for cancer... meanwhile the cure for all cancers has been around for some time, and some of our diseases have even been purposely manufactured... by us! One of my favourites is ‘leading scientists’ say... there is a possiblility of life out there or any number of ridiculous statements. Programming by mainstream media and other outlets is rampant and if you are a ‘Sensitive Person’ you will know and won't want to be around people that are under that spell. It can be a sick or repulsive feeling and if you are a little more healed then compassion will come to the forefront although keeping your distance is still wise choice for the time being, for many of us. Look at the newest phones or computers coming out, meanwhile they have technologies that are well beyond the present gadgets that are being paraded to the masses. Only the wealthy can afford the really good stuff which is still decades behind what we truly have available. In the interim they will continue to string you along and disseminate these toys in super small increments over decades to keep you distracted and spending money on things that are once again very outdated compared to what is actually available. Things like the newest iPhone or very marginal speed increases in new CPU's and GPU's for computers. Awesome! Keep you in debt, keep you paying those hydro bills, keep you on those meds, keep you distracted with certain staged global events, drama with public figures, world leaders or fake news. It is sad, manipulative, corrupt and as far as the medical technology available... it is downright murderous and full on genocide. Think about that and let it motivate you to internally and externally wake up and create change. Disclosure is a monumental step in the process along with your own inner work. This knowledge and material needs to be out in the public eye with credible people and testimonies backing it up. Dr. Steven Greer has an excellent platform for inventors to bring about safe disclosure for their new and advanced technologies to the world. They must demonstrate that their gadgets work and the results are reproducible as it will be live streamed for the masses to see, reaching millions of people at once. See the Links page for Dr. Greer. It is very unfortunate the so many individuals have been bought out, severely threatened or far worse for coming forward with this much needed information. This game of control... the lies and heavy programming in mainstream society is mocking and insulting your intelligence. Observe our educational systems. Have you not noticed that we have a leap year every 4 years? How can our mathematical system be so wrong when creation itself is so precise? Psychologists... who don't understand the deeper aspects of the mind, body, emotions and soul. Medical 'professionals' who don't really know how the body works and the relationship with it's energetic counterparts. They do have some bookwork knowledge on pharmacology, of course. Religion... after much upheaval will eventually turn to natural law. Science... so much will be discarded to usher in more advanced technology based on new, safe and harmonious systems. Personal growth... with interfernce gone you will finally be able start to piercing the veils, to see and understand more of who you really are, your true inner workings and be open to so many new possibilities. There will even be off-world opportunities through many avenues. People, souls and beings that have been trapped for eons of time will have the chance to repair and move back into the higher dimensions. A miraculous event indeed! What will happen to the scientists who spent years on learning harmful technology that is completely outdated... the medical community who have been stuck in archaic and barbaric avenues to 'wellness'... or many of the world's religions and histories which are clearly inaccurate and fraudulent in so many ways? There will be a breaking down of the ego and society but something more glorious and conducive to a whole new way of being will have a chance to flourish. The famous Yoda quote comes mind, "You must unlearn what you have learned". Once people realize what is truly possible, moving past just the physical and exploring more of the consciousness based reality, then we can truly begin but the veil must be dissolved... whether all at once or in layers and levels. There are many people out there that are starving for this kind of information, some that will completely dismiss it (until demonstrated of course... and even then), some that will do there best to discredit it and some that can't even handle it due to their programming and beliefs. I have seen what information can do to people, whatever it may be about, whether it is pertaining to some aspect of themselves or situations that go against their deeply ingrained programming or belief systems... it doesn't go well and can be quite catastrophic depending on how they have identified themselves in this world. They can become demoralized, freak out, feel depressed, give up, become enraged... the whole gamut of emotions and beyond with added inappropriate and erratic actions. When you truly understand that everything is possible and that everything for the most part has already been done before on some level then certain information is much easier to accept. As always, be discerning. If your are honest with yourself and have some ability to feel then you will know when it comes to certain things. The extensive amount of experimentation in all sorts of areas including spacecraft and propulsion, portal technology, age regression, psychic enhancement, super soldiers, thought controlled technology, advanced weaponry, viruses, cloning and genetic tampering, much more and beyond has been going on for some time behind the scenes in unacknowledged projects. Humans have been used like guinea pigs, been used in slave trades and as a slave race. This is unacceptable! Governments allowing experimentation on people... I didn't agree to this. Damage to the planet... weather manipulation and chemtrails. Start looking up at the sky with new eyes and be honest with yourself. Look at the cloud formations these days... far from natural. Even abductions (real or staged psyops)... mind control technologies, implants, HAARP, targeting certain people to supress their abilities (or worse) whether it be done by onworld or offworld means and performed by many different factions of people/beings. See the blog on ‘Targeted People’. When are they going to come clean about Artificial Intelligence (AI), nanites, Humanity's origins, different races of beings, underground bases, the moon, interstellar travel and new propulsion systems, UFO's (once again, look up... a large portion of UFO's these days are actually ours!), portal tecnologies (have you seen the movie or TV series Stargate - did you ever wonder where these ideas came from?), advanced medical technologies, cloning, the fact that we are all being monitored on some level... if you think that you have true privacy... you would be wrong. Everything is monitored on some level. Privacy is an illusion given that we are all being observed and studied by our own 'higher aspects', also by those who tagged us on our journey to incarnating here and any earthly factions keeping tabs. Even your computer searches or link to this article is tracked. Also, highly evolved beings can read you and your history like an open book or movie. This may be a lot to process for some people. It is not meant to bring about fear but instead facts, and the reminder that you can deal with this, and soon will not tolerate certain conditions any longer as we collectively unite and raise our consciousness enough to warrant true sovereignty. There have been talks and rumors for years that there was going to be a staged event, a mock alien invasion, which can easily been done with the technology that we already have at our disposal. Look at all of the movies that already depict this scenario. Sure, it might bring the world together on some level and give the fake disclosure that we are not alone but this is another layer of control. It promotes the militaristic point of view and there are many plans in already in place to use this to enslave us further. Be aware of some of the deception that is going on and maneuvering of the consciousness of humanity. Disclosure needs to be done in a transformative way. One that does not promote fear or feigning unity among humanity but having us against the 'evil' aliens. Yes, there are some serious forces at work on all sides but there are much better alternatives. Diplomacy with other off-world species is the preferred way to go as many would like to see us freed from our shackles and overcome our barbaric ways. There is most definitely a time to stand up for ourselves and defense measures can be undertaken but at the same time there are also civilizations that could effortlessly disintigrate our very toleranet planet (or just the inhabitants on it) in the blink of an eye... but they won't. There is so much manipulation going on with us, the planet and beyond by all manner of beings, including ourselves. Layers of things that most can't feel or perceive, things on energetic levels, technologies and manufactured biomechanical or organic forms. There are warring factions, races and beings all with different agendas and factions within factions making side deals of all kinds. Then there are beings pulling the strings of other beings, enslavement... it's a mess. There are of course an abundance of beings that want to help us and are assisting in many unseen ways but with so many hands in the pie it can be difficult to navigate through the turmoil. They would also like to see us be the ones who manifest ourselves out of these circumstances with a deep knowing of how gifted we truly are. Partial disclosure has been discussed by some as the most viable option for a large portion of humanity at this moment. Information being given out a bit at a time with certain things being strategically hidden. That way it can be integrated into the whole of humanity with less turmoil. That being said, there are many people who are more than ready to hear and accept what comes forth through full disclosure. A considerable amount of people don't have time for partial disclosure. They are in an ill state of health for various reasons which are not all a fault of their own. Our planetary environment also doesn’t have time as it is seriously faltering. Full disclosure in the now is what is truly needed. Some people in less than ideal circumstances can be brought back to health and help this world out on a large scale but they are purposely being blocked and not given the opportunity. In fact, there are many who are ready to do work on facilitating the change, bridging the gap and to serve humanity as well as their own evolution in new ways. It is also true that many won't even really care. The sad thing is that you can straight up tell people the truth about what is going on, show evidence or even show them a real UFO or alien lifeform and they just won't believe it. They are so programmed and in denial. As stated before, discernment is good, do research and find out the truth and form your own conclusions. Soon enough all of the material above will no longer be able to be denied. We have the power to alter many of the differing scenarios and possible timelines as we proceed. People will have to re-evaluate their beliefs and place in the world and be open to change for the betterment of all. Truth be told, Full Disclosure is already happening. There are enough people who have come forward, slipped through the cracks if you will, to bring out information on subjects of all kinds including advanced technologies that are already in use by humans in unacknowledged programs. Many thanks to those individuals who have already come forth to start making this a living breathing reality. There are some great websites, YouTube channels, documentaries and privately funded shows with authentically awakened people, insiders, researchers, engineers, scientists, etc. who are doing some incredible work in their fields and getting important information out there. Like mentioned above, movies are a great way of opening people's minds to new concepts, possibilities and events that are already happening. Have you ever seen Wolverine from the X-Men? Do you wonder if they have ever experimented with certain metal alloys or tissue regeneration in a similar fashion before? Ever seen Limitless? Do you believe they have ever tried using certain formulae administered in pill form to open and activate more areas of the brain? Ever seen Star Wars? We may have a 'Death Star' closer than you know and Jedi/Sith abilities might actually be real. How about The Matrix? There is actual evidence that we are living in a holographic simulation. The Terminator? Sentient computer, AI, cyborgs… sound familiar? Star Trek, etc, we could go on for a while. Anything showing alternate realities, government cover-ups… the list goes on. The reading of this article itself is a catalyst. The seeds have been planted. It is only a matter of when. They can delay it but at this point it cannot be stopped, especially with our momentum and the strength of numbers awakening. The reading of this article itself is a catalyst. The seeds have been planted. It is only a matter of when. They can delay it but at this point it can not be stopped. The rest is up to you. Add your intention to it, become aware of what is really going on, do some reasearch and start to awaken to your full potential. It is clear by demonstration alone from observing those in 'power' that it will be the people that have to bring about disclosure. The leaders will then have no choice but to follow suit or be removed from their positions and replaced by more evolved and incorruptible beings. Even if all the information comes out, people will still have to process it and do the inner work to catch up. Disclosure might be very easy for some, especially those that are more awakened, aware and have been doing the work. The harder part may be dealing with all of those people that have been deeply programmed and the shock they may encounter from their eyes opening for the first time. As indicated before, there are some very talented, gifted and evolved individuals who can accomplish great deeds here. They can contribute immensely but they just don't have the platform or support to do it. In certain areas that may be for the best until the proper type of leadership comes into power who governs those affairs. A strictly militaristic point of view is a very narrow one. There are also many awakened people who have been heavily tampered with who are in great need of healing and cannot get the proper assistance here. This is all very sad considering all of the technologies are already available to bring these wonderful beings back to a point where they can fullfill their mission which includes the rebuilding themselves, this society and well beyond. They will keep working towards these goals regardless. Humanity has been held down, beaten down, suppressed and made to suffer for far too long. We can do this, we are much more powerful than many of us realize and we can create the necessary change. It will take fortitude, willpower, knowledge, awareness, inner peace, self-love and compassion but doors and windows are opening. There may even be some anger... and rightfully so! Good... Use it! Use it to light that inner fire to facilitate change for the better. Be that spark who can light the way for others and assist in igniting their divine flames so that they can do the same. Full Disclosure will happen and you are a part of it!
Aug. 18, 2018
Architects of Creation

Architects of Creation Disclosure