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Architects of Creation
COVID - Over a Year Later Here we are, over a year later from my last COVID article... masks, continued lockdowns, vaccines and variants all around. Flatten the Curve?... Technically we should be pretty lean by now but that didn't happen. Looking back at what I wrote last year it is evident that things took a turn for the worse. There are so many different ways to deal with this yet governments, who may have their own agendas, and are most likely ill-informed when it comes to the actual medical data (the ones that aren't falsified) are making decisions for the masses. We understand, something has to be done but proper education for all should be a priority and close to the top of the list. Is this disease real? Yes, absolutely. I had a family member die of it, although they had other conditions as well. How about this question. Are the number of authentic COVID related deaths falsified? Very likely. People may have died while having tested positive for COVID but did they actually die due to COVID or were there other complications or factors? Of important note are all of the false positive results with the Antigen tests. This really needs to be looked at for a more accurate account of things. How many movies have portrayed spinning the news to fit a narrative for a particular agenda yet people refuse to believe that it can happen in 'real' life. Remember that movies in many ways reveal ‘Disclosure’ on certain things and events. Many people are taking vaccines out of fear and pressure, avoiding others out of fear, doing irrational things based on information that is misleading. People have been and are being programmed. To add to this debacle you have numerous conflicting reports and stories which creates even more confusion. The perfect recipe for all sorts of madness. Someone actually tried getting into a violent confrontation with me because I apparently walked by too close to them. Yet in their rage and stupidity they violated the ‘social distancing barrier’ by getting right up near me with clenched fists without even wearing a mask. This goes against their very reason for being angry in the first place yet they are willing to ‘catch COVID’ and get into a fight because of it. How safe is the vaccine (or different varities and brands thereof)? Serious question. What is actually being put into your body? There are studies and findings that trace health complications and later in life diseases back to and which stem from early childhood vaccinations, not to mention the more immediate effects that can occur. Ask your doctor to tell you exactly everything that is in that vaccine, binding substances and all. Most likely they cannot. There is no actual proof that these vaccines are fully effective at all. Infact, now they are talking about booster shots because, "well, there is a new variant that your previous vaccine didn't cover"... That certainly inspires confidence. Essentially, this tells you that you can take the vaccine(s) and still become infected. Great! Remember that this virus was man made. Yes, we, not necessarily you or I, but human-like people tinkering with things that should have cleary been monitored by several levels of authroity. They know how it works. I ask, how many of you, if given the chance to vote on it, would have said 'Yes!', this is a great idea, we should totally be experimenting with deadly viruses that can adapt and cross genetic barriers to infect humans? As a member of the human species I certainly was not given a say in this and neither were you. People seem proud of themselves and show off their badges of vaccination on social media platforms. Plenty of, "I got my second shot" with some being fine and others perhaps roughed up for a day or two and in other cases much worse. We get it, you believe that you are doing the right thing, helping yourself and others. But... then there are those supposed delinquents, those heathens, the defiant people who are frowned upon by actually questioning the validity of such things. They are branded and labeled, plus with how things are going they may be potentially punished with not having access to certain areas or be able to travel without a vaccine passport. This, my wonderful people is a serious violation of your rights. It is a roundabout way to implement forced vaccinations and have your freedom of choice be stripped away. Vaccine Passports. Really people? Say goodbye to your freedom for not blindly 'giving in'. Not just passports but Vaxcards as proof to have access to restaurants, working in certain environments or even shopping. What level of manipulation and control is being imposed here? Why is there such an insane push to vaccinate everyone? Is it not odd that they will offer free vaccines for the 'health of the world' but not offer free assistance for any of the other health concerns and diseases out there affecting us all. Strange?... Indeed. I actually received an email from my doctor about the vaccine, stating that as of this time I have not received the vaccine and several options were outlined. Yes, apparently they are keeping track. Some countries have been trying to pass and enforce some very restricting laws when it comes to this and glady there has been some pushback. Commendations to those people for speaking out against tyranny. Let the true facts come forward. Give the people that want it the truth. That is a right for every human and to add to that how about ‘Disclosure’ on just the health industry alone. When people actually learn about what goes on behind the scenes or about the advanced medical technologies that have already been in use in certain programs for decades they will realize all of this is a farce. In reality, if 'allowed' to come forward, this whole situation can be rectified very quickly. Some of the things you can do on your end is get sun if you live in a good area for it and take Vitamin D to make sure you get enough when unable to get outside. These are proven to help and is it any wonder the numbers go down in the summer season. Of course they timed certain events to keep up the illusion of, "Hey look, the numbers decreased with the lockdown" meanwhile... The goal here is to get people to ask the real questions, the hidden and the blatant in your face ones, to do some research and utilize multiple and various sources, not just CNN. That way you can make informed choices in how to proceed with your actions concerning your health and well-being. Keep your eyes on the bigger picture as well, the things going on behind the scenes and all around this COVID Experiment. It is up to each of us to decipher what is really playing out and to act accordingly.
Aug 1, 2021
Copyright 2016-2021 Architects of Creation. All Rights Reserved. Site made with Xara Web Designer Designed by Tribe of One Studios
Architects of Creation
COVID - Over a Year Later Here we are, over a year later from my last COVID article... masks, continued lockdowns, vaccines and variants all around. Flatten the Curve?... Technically we should be pretty lean by now but that didn't happen. Looking back at what I wrote last year it is evident that things took a turn for the worse. There are so many different ways to deal with this yet governments, who may have their own agendas, and are most likely ill-informed when it comes to the actual medical data (the ones that aren't falsified) are making decisions for the masses. We understand, something has to be done but proper education for all should be a priority and close to the top of the list. Is this disease real? Yes, absolutely. I had a family member die of it, although they had other conditions as well. How about this question. Are the number of COVID related deaths falsified? Very likely. People may have died while having tested positive for COVID but did they actually die due to COVID or were there other complications or factors? Of important note are all of the false positive results with the Antigen tests. This really needs to be looked at for a more accurate account of things. How many movies have portrayed spinning the news to fit a narrative for a particular agenda yet people refuse to believe that it can happen in 'real' life. Remember that movies in many ways give away ‘Disclosure’ on certain things and events. Many people are taking vaccines out of fear and pressure, avoiding others out of fear, doing irrational things based on information that is misleading. People have been and are being programmed. To add to this debacle you have numerous conflicting reports and stories which creates even more confusion. The perfect recipe for all sorts of madness. Someone actually tried getting into a violent confrontation with me because I apparently walked by too close to them. Yet in their rage and stupidity they violated the ‘social distancing barrier’ by getting right up near me with clenched fists without even wearing a mask. This goes against their very reason for being angry in the first place yet they are willing to ‘catch COVID’ and get into a fight because of it. How safe is the vaccine (or different varities and brands thereof)? Serious question. What is actually being put into your body? There are studies and findings that trace health complications and later in life diseases back to and which stem from early childhood vaccinations, not to mention the more immediate effects that can occur. Ask your doctor to tell you exactly everything that is in that vaccine, binding substances and all. Most likely they cannot. There is no actual proof that these vaccines are fully effective at all. Infact, now they are talking about booster shots because, "well, there is a new variant that your previous vaccine didn't cover"... That certainly inspires confidence. Essentially, this tells you that you can take the vaccine(s) and still become infected. Great! Remember that this virus was man made. Yes, we, not necessarily you or I, but human-like people tinkering with things that should have cleary been monitored by several levels of authroity. They know how it works. I ask, how many of you, if given the chance to vote on it, would have said 'Yes!', this is a great idea, we should totally be experimenting with deadly viruses that can adapt and cross genetic barriers to infect humans? As a member of the human species I certainly was not given a say in this and neither were you. People seem proud of themselves and show off their badges of vaccination on social media platforms. Plenty of, "I got my second shot" with some being fine and others perhaps roughed up for a day or two and in other cases much worse. We get it, you believe that you are doing the right thing, helping yourself and others. But... then there are those supposed delinquents, those heathens, the defiant people who are frowned upon by actually questioning the validity of such things. They are branded and labeled, plus with how things are going they may be potentially punished with not having access to certain areas or be able to travel without a vaccine passport. This, my wonderful people is a serious violation of your rights. It is a roundabout way to implement forced vaccinations and have your freedom of choice be stripped away. Vaccine Passports. Really people? Say goodbye to your freedom for not blindly 'giving in'. Not just passports but Vaxcards as proof to have access to restaurants, working in certain environments or even shopping. What level of manipulation and control is being imposed here? Why is there such an insane push to vaccinate everyone? Is it not odd that they will offer free vaccines for the 'health of the world' but not offer free assistance for any of the other health concerns and diseases out there affecting us all. Strange?... Indeed. I actually received an email from my doctor about the vaccine, stating that as of this time I have not received the vaccine and several options were outlined. Yes, apparently they are keeping track. Some countries have been trying to pass and enforce some very restricting laws when it comes to this and glady there has been some pushback. Commendations to those people for speaking out against tyranny. Let the true facts come forward. Give the people that want it the truth. That is a right for every human and to add to that how about ‘Disclosure’ on just the health industry alone. When people actually learn about what goes on behind the scenes or about the advanced medical technologies that have already been in use in certain programs for decades they will realize all of this is a farce. In reality, if 'allowed' to come forward, this whole situation can be rectified very quickly. Some of the things you can do on your end is get sun if you live in a good area for it and take Vitamin D to make sure you get enough when unable to get outside. These are proven to help and is it any wonder the numbers go down in the summer season. Of course they timed certain events to keep up the illusion of, "Hey look, the numbers decreased with the lockdown" meanwhile... The goal here is to get people to ask the real questions, the hidden and the blatant in your face ones, to do some research and utilize multiple and various sources, not just CNN. That way you can make informed choices in how to proceed with your actions concerning your health and well- being. Keep your eyes on the bigger picture as well, the things going on behind the scenes and all around this COVID Experiment. It is up to each of us to decipher what is really playing out and to act accordingly.